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11 Best Sales Practices by RB

February 6, 2023
11 Best Sales Practices by RB

Rebecca began her career in sales while she was in college when she joined the Vector Marketing team as a door-to-door sales rep for Cutco products. You know, those knives that can cut rope and scissors that cut pennies and last forever. And yes, 20-some years later her Cutco knives are still what she uses every day. In that role, Rebecca found her love for connecting with people and businesses; whether that was by learning about them, being able to share information, and/or providing solutions and alternatives to enhance what they were doing or solve problems.

What she loves most? Creating community. This is when she decided she was no longer going to pursue pharmacy. Instead, she decided to figure out a way to meet lots of exciting people who do cool things in their companies and help them grow their businesses.

Since then, Rebecca’s business development leadership career has taken her all over the country serving clients in the SMB to enterprise markets in every industry from manufacturing, retail, professional services, healthcare, higher education, nonprofit, and the government sector. She has worked for global organizations including Verizon Telecommunications, Verizon Business, Verizon Wireless, and Bell Techlogix (an IT-managed services firm headquartered in Indianapolis). Rebecca likes playing BIG and has closed well over $250M in business throughout her career.

Through her corporate career and philanthropic and community activities, Rebecca’s built and led diverse, creative, and highly engaged teams. She’s cultivated skills in strategic planning, technology, marketing, leadership, sales, team building, client management, and vendor relationship management. She loves dynamic environments with cultures that embrace diverse thoughts and experiences and teaming with passionate, talented, and driven people and partners.

Along her journey, she’s picked up lots of best practices, advice, and tips for excelling in business development and sales and she’d like to share her top 11 with you.

1. Authenticity and Transparency are essential in all relationships. Be you and give other people space to be them.

2. The Why is more important than the What. (Check out Simon Sinek’s “Golden Circle” to learn more about this business and sales philosophy. Start With & Why - TED Talk from Simon Sinek.

3. Practice Conscious Listening. Listen to understand, not to respond. Rule for introductory meetings for sales professionals is to listen 80% of the time and talk 20% of the time.

4. Adopt an Abundance Mindset. There is always more than enough.

5. Network. Network. Network. As they say, “your network is your net worth.”

6. Know your products/solutions Be an expert in what you are selling. That doesn’t mean that you must know all the answers yourself, surround yourself with other industry experts. It also doesn’t mean you have to tell your client everything you know. Share useful and relevant information the client cares about, helps them make an informed buying decision and clearly sets expectations.

7. Know our ideal client(s) Who are they (gender identity, age range, geographical location (s), socioeconomic statuses), what do they like/dislike, and what’s their story? Are there problems they are trying to solve? If your B2B sales, all of the above are for each of your decision makers. And what’s the company's why/mission? Industries? Company size? Revenue? What does their buying journey consist of? What are they selling? Who does their business serve? Where are the areas of opportunity? You get the picture. Be specific in identifying your ideal clients, and be curious to get to know them.

8. Build your personal and professional Board of Directors. These are your trusted advisors and support system that you can go to for help/support/advice, and they will offer candid constructive feedback. They are there for you just to vent and empathize occasionally. They cheer you on and celebrate with you (big and small wins) and of course camaraderie. Think about all the areas of your life: Business Development/Sales, Leadership, Career Growth, Spiritual, Emotional/Mental, Relationships (professional and personal) and find folks that you admire and inspire you in those areas. *Also, think about your unique gifts and talents and how you can serve others by being a part of their personal and professional Board of Directors.

9. Be courageous. Ask for help when you need it. They are so many people ready and willing to help you, they just need to know what is wanted and needed.

10. Be a giver. Giving is high-vibration energy and it feels good. The Universal Law of attraction says, “energy attracts like energy”. So be a generous abundant giver and receive generously and abundantly.

11. Own your seat at the table – you've done the work to get there! You are deserving. You are worthy. You are qualified. You are enough. Your voice, perspective, gifts, talents and ideas are wanted and needed.

Have a lavishly abundant day!

P.S. If you are looking to level up your business development skills and thrive with all your sales goals check out our upcoming Sales Training Cohorts or ask about One-on-One Consulting.



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Location: CoHatch Broad Ripple 6151 Central Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46220

COHORT 2: Virtual Days: Tuesdays from March 14 - May 30 Times: Noon TO 1:15 pm

COHORT 3: Hybrid Days: Tuesdays from April 11th - June 27th Times: Every other Tuesday 7-8:30 pm in person @ CoHatch Broadripple; Opposite Tuesdays 7-8 pm via ZOOM


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